We are here With All answer Of your question about The Wall ..." />

Wall Street Focus Group Scam Review | Top Binary Options Robots Review 2016

Binary Scams

Published on November 27th, 2016 | by TBOR


Wall Street Focus Group Scam Review


We are here With All answer Of your question about The Wall Street Focus Group . Wall Street Focus Group software is the latest viral scam spreading all over the internet now. Their sales video might convince you well but actually its a swindle. Don’t believe us? Keep reading this authentic and honest Wall Street Focus Group app review.

The Cobra 5 software is the new scam in town, and you have to be aware of this fact before losing money. A few ludicrous claims have been made on the Wall Street Focus Group Review site, and we think these claims are meant to misinform the trader, thereby making it easy for the owner of the scam to steal their money in the most unceremonious of ways.

The idea is that you should sign up with one of their recommended brokers, and then fund your account so that you can begin using Wall Street Focus Group system. This is a little bit foolish because we know that you will never earn between $381 and $796 a day using this software. Those figures still sound too good to be true especially for a system that has been labeled scam and troublesome.

Our center of focus today is on the Wall Street Focus Group website. Our aim is to expose their underground dealings, and possibly alert potential users that this is the greatest of all scams ever promoted on the internet. So if you’re ready, read this Wall Street Focus Group Cobra5 Review and decide for yourself.

Website: www.wallstreetfocusgroup.com

As outlined above the WallStreet Focus Group Review website doesn’t claim to be able to deliver astronomical earnings right away. Sure the figures are still outlandish but it’s not inconceivable that legitimate binary trading software couldn’t deliver similar returns on a great day. This is what makes the Wall Street Focus Group App such a dangerous and tricky scam. It’s basically trading off the reputation that’s been hard earned by genuine brokers, while actually harvesting no intention other than ripping off it’s clients!

Wall Street Focus Group Review – Cobra 5 Software Scam 

Is Wall Street Focus Group Autotrader a scam? Well, according to the promotion, this Cobra 5 software is 100% automatic, and is able to achieve 100% success rate most of the time. But if this is the case, then how come that earning is restricted to $796 a day when the software can always win trades whenever it opens a position? We should be expecting endless profits from a system that is able to win all trades. Therefore, this claim by  Wall Street Focus Group team didn’t make sense to us, and is therefore an indicator that a system is not authentic as claimed.

Secondly, this Cobra 5 review website is not being honest when it comes to pointing out the exact date when the software was launched.

According to Mr. David Lombardi, Wall Street Focus Group system has existed for the last 4 years, and that during this time, he has made for himself a whooping $137 million, thanks to the high trading efficiency of Wall Street Focus Group platform.

Again, these claims can’t be verified whatsoever. They only remain unverified claims as far as this matter is concerned. And usually when people make claims which they can’t support with proof, then it means that they are up to no good. We can clearly see that Wall Street Focus Group review website and the App which they are promoting therein is not authentic, and anyone who claims that this app works is a liar.

The Wall Street Focus Group App’s CEO is Anonymous !!

Mr. Lambardi, is he the CEO of Cobra 5 Software ?

We have something to review about this man called Mr. David Lombardi. He says that he is the head developer of Wall Street Focus Group system. He even shows us a ‘’snapshot’’ of his account status to make us believe his lies. However, with enough experience in the industry, you will not have trouble recognizing some of these tricks.

In this particular case, we were shown an account balance of $131,507 as at 4th may 2016. But when we reviewed these details on Who.is to try uncovering the exact date of registration, we discovered that the  Wall Street Focus Group was only registered the other day. It did not exist in May 2016, so obviously there was no way this man could have used the software when it did not exist in the first place.

Furthermore, when we conducted reviews into the matter, we realized that this man also made an appearance on various scams, including the infamous Terabit Trader, GPS Trader, and Safeguard Trader. The truth is that people have heard a hell of experience with these scams. And the same thing is likely to happen to traders who choose to trust this scam as well. After all, there is no difference between Wall Street Focus Group App and the aforementioned scams.

And now the truth is that this guy doesn’t own any trading robot which he can hand over to you. He was hired from a website called Fiverr, and his job is to fake it until everything is resonating with his lies. Then he can get you depositing your hard-earned $250 as soon as he asks you to sign up for the software.

Endorsements and Testimonials!

Very interesting topic, for us probably the most important once. As there is nothing more honest than the real day-trader’s opinion.

We would like to warn you about the inside testimonials. All the people who appear and claim to be part of the first beta testing group and so on are paid actors. Well, we cannot proof that on 100% but there are few facts that actually proof that.

  1. No one has ever heard of them. The trading society has never heard of those individuals or their success stories.
  2. The official domain wallstreetfocusgroup.com is registered on 21.09.2016. How those people are able to use that software before that date? Moreover, as we said for us this is new service, and we have never heard of “summer initial alpha group”! Furthermore, this even debunks the claims about the estimated profits and accuracy.

Regarding the outside endorsements, the situation is very bad.  We made vast social media and search engine research. All we managed to come across are negative reviews and bad feedback.

Basically, it’s simple, if the service is not endorsed by the trading community it’s obviously a fraud!

How Wall Street Focus Group scam is supposed to generate so much money

The main element here is speed, which again can’t be used to entirely justify the working of this software. According to the explanation of the actors appearing in the pitch video, we gathered that Wall Street Focus Group cobra 5 signals relied on speedy execution to lock in the profits.

However, we know that every good robot must have speed as a key element. In fact, this is a basic feature and not something we should take 2 minutes dwelling on. In other words, we want a sound explanation concerning the workings of this Wall Street Focus Group software. But we don’t want speed to be included as an element.

So, why is it that they are not able to give us an explanation? It’s quite obvious. Wall Street Focus Group is a scam and a suspicious website by all standards. That is the reason they wasted the video while trying to promote the life of a millionaire. Instead of giving us the content we want, they talk about how life would be good if you became a millionaire tonight. That is rather foolish.

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More marketing is on the way

If they can lie in the Wall Street Focus Group PP pitch video, then what makes you think that they won’t lie when it comes to the number of copies which they are willing to give out? Look, there is no limit to the number of copies which are being given out.

The ”20 spots available” claim is just false marketing which is aimed at pushing you to act quickly, which would favor them by the way. The more you sign up hurriedly, the more Wall Street Focus Group system can speed up the process of ripping you off. We shouldn’t get into this right now.

Conclusion :

We believe that Cobra5 Trading Software and whole this beta testing project is very shady. Within wallstreetfocusgroup.com, there are numerous false statements made. That’s why we believe that further engagement with this service will not end well for your personal budget. Folks, you cannot ignore the fact that those people do not exist and whole this project is very misleading.

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TopBinaryOptionRobots.com has been created to express our opinions and suggestions on Top Binary Options Robots & Brokers, to help people figure out which are the best Binary Option Robots.

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