The Prove My Profits website is a profit generating software p..." />

Prove My Profits Scam Review | Top Binary Options Robots Review 2016

Binary Scams

Published on December 28th, 2016 | by TBOR


Prove My Profits Scam Review


The Prove My Profits website is a profit generating software program that we came upon and at first, it seemed like something that would be worth checking out. Our goal was to conduct a in depth Prove My Profits scam review to point out the pros and cons and come up with a conclusion whether or not to recommend it to others. As we entered the site and gained access to the members area we were making notes all along the way. As our investigation continued, we were sickened by what we discovered. If you are thinking about trying the Prove My Profits system, we strongly recommend that you hold off until you’ve read this Prove My Profits review. We have concrete proof that PMP is nothing more than a lousy scam that has been invented to rip people off. Find out why we say this.


What is Prove My Profits? Detailed Scam Review 

The Prove My Profits App is a binary options auto trading program. The presenter claims that you will make somewhere in the neighborhood of five hundred thousand dollars per month using the software. His name is Ted Morgan and he makes outrageous claims throughout the video. The Prove My Profits system is supposed to use a robot that searches through financial data to generate the Prove My Profit signals that tell the program that it is time to make a trade. He guarantees that the software works and will help you to get rich quick. We know that this is bogus because nobody makes this kind of money in binary trading options, particularly with auto trading software. It is just not done. Anyone who has experience in this industry will back us up on this. There is no software not Prove My Profits program in creation that can generate the kind of winning trades that it would take to bring in five hundred dollars a month consistently. The market is volatile and even experts have issues with loss rates. These are people who are constantly monitoring the markets and know their stuff.

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The Prove My Profits CEO Ted Morgan?

This is where the whole thing starts to get even sketchier. He tries to convince viewers that he is a guy who used to be somewhat shady as an online marketer. He gives us the sob story that he has changed all of that and turned his life around. We’re sure that he got it right the first time but he hasn’t turned any thing around. If he’s made any changes at all it is to get better at con artistry and his story about making life changed does not wash. Prove My Profits scam and he’s still a scammer and he’s coming back with even better graphics as he boards a private jet and drives off in a fancy car. This is all for effect to try to make people believe that they too can enjoy a life of luxury similar to his if they’ll only start using this crummy Prove My Profits software that will only lose their investment for them.

Our Prove My Profits review found the biggest lies that Ted Morgan told. He said that the software was made by a person who is a trader in the industry. He only identifies him as Trader X. This is the biggest load of garbage that we’ve heard and it’s a little bit insulting to the intelligence. He won’t give the name because he’s telling a lie. Anyone who created such an amazing software program would want to take credit for it and promote it in the right way so they could legitimately make profits from its use. This isn’t happening here because Prove My Profits is a scam program and the inventory of this sleezy site are trying to hide their identity so they won’t get caught and be prosecuted.

Trying too hard to prove honesty

Throughout this cheesy Prove My Profits review video we see Morgan time and time again trying to tell us about the scammers out there and how although he once was one, now he’s a good guy and he is honest. He also tries to convince us by saying he took a lie detector test and this was way over the top. The Prove My Profits scam has gone beyond sleezy to the ridiculous at this point.

Deposit required

In order to begin trading with his supposed miracle Prove My Profits app you will need to set up a brokers account and use your own money. We have no idea who these brokers are so we are assuming that they are unregulated. As with the creators of this software, they are remaining anonymous. We believe that this is because they don’t want you to be able to do the research on them and find out that they are unscrupulous brokers with a reputation for depriving people of their investment money. In order to get started you will have to invest $250. If you do, we’re warning that you will essentially be saying goodbye to your money and the Prove My Profits scammers will divide it up amongst themselves, leaving you with nowhere to turn.

And do you remember Polygraph Millionaire and Lie Detector Millionaire? We have exposed both of these scams with proofs, guess what! Prove My Profits is an updated version of these softwares. Same sales video, same ‘CEO’ and same cheesy scam!

Conclusion :

Beyond any doubt, we are talking about a dishonest system folks. The profits here are everything but proven. The whole website is designed to steal the money from your pockets. There are no real testimonials or endorsements that can support this service. Moreover, we have solid evidence associating this system with older bogus one.

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About the Author has been created to express our opinions and suggestions on Top Binary Options Robots & Brokers, to help people figure out which are the best Binary Option Robots.

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