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Leaked Profits Scam Review | Top Binary Options Robots Review 2017

Binary Scams

Published on January 30th, 2017 | by TBOR


Leaked Profits Scam Review


Hey Its Christine Loghran With All answer Of your question about The Leaked Profits review. Literally nothing about this staggeringly awful fraud stands up to critique, and there’s countless ways of demonstrating and proving how Leaked Profits scam is a totally criminal enterprise. In fact as we shall see in this Leaked Profits review and exposé these crooks take lying to a whole new level, even going as far as to make up false reviews from world leading financial newspapers!

If it weren’t for the unfortunate fact that one way or another it’s sadly certain that Leaked Profits software will successfully rip many people off, it’d be little short of laughable. However there’s always the chance that it could go viral – so without further ado, let’s present the mountain of evidence against this shady Leaked Profits scam.

website: www.leakedprofits.co

Exposing Leaked Profits Review – Scam Status Confirmed! 

Friends, we do not want to waste precious time and we run immediately to tell you. This application was created by scammers not to offer you the chance of your life. But to drain your account as soon as you admit the mistake to register in their platform. Furthermore, the official website leakedprofits.co is jam-packed with misleading information in order to confuse the new users. But traders with some experience will notice immediately that their video is good for nothing! The unconvincing cheap website and the deceptive video, auto condemning The Leaked Profits as just another SCAM to the market.

The Fictitious Mr Bishop 0f Leaked Profits Scam

The Leaked Profits app scam uses a very familiar sales tactic – namely a totally fictitious story – to introduce victims to their nasty little operation. Without going into detail (there’s really no point) we’re supposed to believe that Mr Frank Bishop, apparently an expert Wall St. trader, has devised automatic trading software that wins 97.2% of all trades and earns at least $1250/day. We’ll get into rubbishing these figures shortly, but for now it’s important to start by focusing on who this Mr Bishop character is. After all, if he’s a well regarded financial doyen then his name should be all over the internet – right?

Well – surprise, surprise – there’s no high profile investor that goes by the name Frank Bishop. In fact a search of his name just leads to forums where plenty of rightly furious people are venting at how they have been ripped off by the Leaked Profits system. Hardly a promising start!

However during the Leaked Profits review video we’re shown that Frank has not only been interviewed by CNBC – we’re shown the supposed webpage – but also released a successful book called ‘Happy, Lucky and Rich’. So it was rather surprising to see that in reality CNBC have never interviewed anyone by this name, and there’s no record of this book having ever been printed let alone published.

So all in all it’s clear that the CEO of Leaked Profits program – Bishop – is a complete fantasy character made up by scammers and played by a cheap actor. It’s a familiar tactic, yet in this case is so brazenly false it immediately discredits everything that the Leaked Profits system claims to offer.

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Impossible Profits Claims of Leaked Profits App!

As mentioned at the top of this Leaked Profits review, this system claims to be able to return well over a grand a day with a near 100% trading success rate. All totally automated and without any input from the clients! If that sounds too good to be true – obviously it is. Leaked Profits signals fall into the familiar trap of offering not just a win percentage that is simply impossible, but also promising a minimum set return every single day.

This simply is not how the markets work. The scammers know this, but they apply these totally false figures in order to appeal to people without a clue about how financial trading works. It’s much easier just to slap a number on a lie and promise it’s true rather than provide any genuine evidence that the Leaked Profits app actually works!

Legitimate binary signals services (yes there are some out there!) literally fall over themselves to provide evidence and performance data to demonstrate that their software is legitimate. In some cases these websites are huge. What does the Leaked Profits scam website offer? Absolutely zero evidence beyond some false testimonials and wild claims of fast, easy cash. Genuine operations never promise a set return because doing so is simply unrealistic and contrary to the dynamics of the market. They do well to hit around 85% successful trading on an average day – anything over 90% is impossible with any regular consistency.

Why the Leaked Profits Software is Trash!

Contrary to what the elusive ‘Mr Bishop’ claims during his shoddy marketing video, there is nothing exclusive or revolutionary whatsoever about the Leaked Profits software/app. In fact it’s exactly the same piece of utterly discredited software that has been already associated with numerous scams, with some going back quite a while by now. This software has various different ‘skins’ that can be applied to make it look slightly different each time, but under the hood it’s still the same old scam software and certainly not the sort of program you want installed on your computer, tablet or phone.

The software works by basically being uncontrollable thanks to it being entirely automatic. It is designed to burn through any available capital as swiftly as possible – but rather than being traded on the markets, the money is in fact being skimmed and redirected into the scammers untraceable accounts. The Leaked Profits website is little more than an introductions agency who are paid commission by unregulated, anonymous ‘traders’ for your custom.

These traders are the real crooks and the investor has no say whatsoever over who they are assigned to – the moment the minimum $250 is deposited with Leaked Profits system, you are then in the hands of these crooks. Oh, and you’ll never see that money ever again either!

Fake Leaked Profits Testimonials Busted!! 

Hopefully by now it’ll be quite clear that Leaked Profits is a total scam, but just to put the icing on the cake let’s take a quick look at the dazzling testimonials they proudly quote on their website. It takes a matter of seconds to search the profile pictures of supposedly very satisfied clients to realize that they’ve all just been ripped from the web.

The testimonies themselves have been penned by the scammers behind the Leaked Profits website and aren’t worth the pixels they’re displayed on. This is a common tactic used by 99% of binary trading scams – and it’s more than safe to say that this is the category leaked Profits app firmly deserves to be placed into.

One final point on the testimonials. It’s claimed during the presentation that Leaked Profits software has been operational for four years and has already served thousands of investors. Quite how they have managed to do this is remarkable given that the Leaked Profits system website domain has only been registered since 09/02/2016! Yet again this is just another example of how this entire scam is built upon total lies.

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Conclusion :

With any luck this Leaked Profits review will dissuade anyone who might have been considering taking a punt with these crooks. There’s absolutely no way any investor will make a penny using this scam, and it’s pretty much certain that any monies invested with them is basically lost forever. Never forget that Leaked Profits app is completely unregulated – they don’t even provide any information on where they are based – but you can be sure it isn’t going to be anywhere that there’s even the remotest chance of prosecuting them. So, while by far from the most sophisticated scam we’ve ever seen it’s essential that people be aware that even shoddy scams such as Leaked Profits scam are still more than capable of bleeding an investment fund dry. Just stay clear – you have been warned!

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TopBinaryOptionRobots.com has been created to express our opinions and suggestions on Top Binary Options Robots & Brokers, to help people figure out which are the best Binary Option Robots.

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