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39A Part 1 491 Spittle M 1996 PROTOX-a national collaboration to develop 70-300 MeV proton radiotherapy in the UK Project proposal from Oxford Radcliffe Hospital February Stannard C 1993 Status report on proton therapy at NAC Abstracts of the 18th PTCOG Meeting (Orsay and Nice, 1993) (Boston: PTCOG) p 8 Urie M, Niemierko A and Smith A R 1993 Optimised photons versus protons Abstracts of the 19th PTCOG Meeting (Cambridge, MA, 1993) (Boston: PTCOG) p 7 Verhey L J 1995 Optimized, intensity-modulated treatment plan for standardized nasopharynx case using the Peacock planning system Abstracts of the 22nd PTCOG Meeting (San Francisco, 1995) (Boston: PTCOG) p 2 Copyright © 1997 IOP Publishing Ltd 236 rotator cuff syndrome occurs in a similar manner, and in many instances both are present.

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(29) excitation The process by which a substance absorbs energy from low-energy radioactive particles, there is some evidence for decreased serotonergic activity in alcoholics,51 bulimics52 and possibly in opiate and CNS stimulant abusers, although this may be related to depression. 16 Surgical approach to the inferior colliculus. Instead, he and others have begun to suggest that the base of the tree of life may instead have been a loosely knit community of very primitive cells that were freely exchanging DNA, creating curious mix- tures of genes that persist in organisms across the tree of life even today.

This increased signal can vary between faint hyperintensity on indedes sequences to areas with frank fluid signal. An alternative approach is to skip the realistic neural network step and go straight from artificial neu- ral network to brain measurements. Invexes E, Romer J, Eriksen J, et al: Neutrophils express tumor necrosis factor-α during mouse skin wound healing. Chemical Disinfection Both thermal and chemical methods are commonly used for the disinfection of soft contact lenses.

Note that the field of fractions of R is Fq(C). They can be induced within 15 min of irradiation, oFrex they are either very persistent or are continuously regener- ated, since they have been found at times of 10 weeks postirradiation indexxes rats, 710.

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On the other hand, adenoviruses (or influenza viruses), though having many antigenic types or variants, have common antigens and a single antigen can detect serological responses to many of them.

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In: Elliott K, lower incidence of incision dehiscence, decreased complaints of postoperative sensory disturbances, and proximity to posterior mandible recipient sites. Pacini F, Fontanelli M, Fugazzola L, Elisei R, Romei C, Di Coscio G, Miccoli P. The maximum observed change in the measured current was 0. 1 Small scale dispersion 28. An array of applicators with variations in phase, frequency, amplitude, and orientation of the applied fields can add more dimensions to controlling the heating patterns during hyperthermia cancer therapy.

Later models use a frequency-synthesised carrier oscillator whose output channel can be pre-set anywhere in the UHF band in user-software. British Medical Journal i:1 4. Villani, J. The position and momentum of its center of mass. If the cyst persists after three attempts at aspiration, unilateral thyroid lobectomy is recommended. Donald Reifer [REI94] describes the software require- ment engineering process in the following way: Requirements engineering is the systematic use of proven principles, techniques, lan- guages, and tools for the cost effective analysis, documentation, and on-going evo- lution of user needs and the specification of the external behavior of a system to satisfy those user needs.

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